
Dear visitor, I would like to call you to work together for a society of equal opportunities, where the coexistence of human with nature will be harmonious and where respect for human rights will have a prime role. Together we can fight against irrational decision making, which violates our quality of life or/and our human rights. Cyprus and the whole planet need our active participation in order to achieve the society we want for us and for our children.

Gender Pay Gap

Pay discrimination based on gender is considered illegal in many countries. However, statistics show that there is no equal pay for equal work in the world. At the same time there is much more than that, if we look at the job opportunities between genders. Closing or...

In Memory of the Chernobyl Tragedy

Today we count 31 years since the terrible accident in Chernobyl which marked a deep hole in the history of the 20th century. The accident let to the death of innocent people, the displacement of thousands of people (around 116,000 people) and according to the UN’s...

The Chibok Attack: More than 200 teenage girls still missing

On  14  of  April  2014  the  international  community  witnessed  one of  the  most  shocking attacks  of  Boko  Haram.  Boko Haram fighters advanced to Chibok and attacked a girls' secondary school during the night. The girls were staying in the dormitories of the...

Resident-friendly cities

It is said that in order to discover the city in which you live you have to walk through it. This way you learn the streets, feel the vibe of each neighborhood, breathe fresh air in and much more. It is, therefore, essential to be able to navigate through your city...

Guaranteed Minimum Income

Following a series of urgent meetings and intense discussions at the House of Parliament of Cyprus regarding the Guaranteed Minimum Income, the government "succeeded" to finally pass the bill. Everything was so hastily carried-out that, most probably, the vulnerable...

Study on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) shocks

A research on genetically modified corn has sparked reactions of shock. A French university conducted a secret scientific study on the effects of the genetically modified corn and the ‘Round up’ pesticide produced by Monsanto company. The revelations of the survey...

Cyprus Presidency

The time has come for Cyprus to take over the Presidency of the European Council for the next six months. It is well known that it is a challenging time both for Cyprus and the European Union. The extended world financial crisis, the continuous occupation of Cyprus by...

The Law on Climate Change

The issue of climate change has started to concern once again the Members of the European Parliament as well as the Cypriot MPs. According to the Green MEPs, the aims that had been set at a preliminary stage from the European Union for a reduction of greenhouse gas...


Over the past few days there has been an increasing trend of abusive behavior against animals and particularly dogs. Poisoning has become a frequent phenomenon reported daily on the news. Shame! Brutality! Disgrace! Who is to hold the political responsibility for...

European Citizens’ Initiative

According to a provision of the Lisbon treaty, European citizens can actively participate in the legislative process of the European Union. European citizens can now give their suggestions and announce their requirements through the European Citizens’ Initiative. The...


Climate change is one of the biggest challenges that humanity is called to deal with. It is not an exaggeration to argue that the problem is affecting most of the aspects of our life, such as health, economy, environment etc. According to recent researches, millions...

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Climate Change will lead to an ever-changing geographical map

Climate Change will lead to an ever-changing geographical map

Climate change has become the topical issue lately, as we see how much publicity, discussion and debate there has been around the issue in recent days through the involvement of the heads of states at the World Summit in Copenhagen. Media and organized groups have...

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Petition against Animal Poisoning in Cyprus

Petition against Animal Poisoning in Cyprus

Animal poisoning is unfortunately a very common phenomenon in Cyprus. It is estimated that around 10,000 animals are killed every year due to such illegal actions (especially cats and dogs). It is noted that some people in Cyprus deal with their differences by...

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